Happy Hannukah! Check TOP Verticals and best Geos
Dear Evadavers!
Chag sameach to everyone celebrating Hannukah! 🕯️
🔥 Holidays are the best time to run your ad campaigns, so we have made for you the list of 3 TOP Verticals and best Geos for each ad format to get traffic from this season:
✨Push classic
🕹️Gambling - ID, TH, VN, US, IN
⚙️Utilities - US, IT, TR, GB, BR
⚽Betting - IN, ID, BR, VN, KZ
💞Dating - US, IN, IT, DE, GB
📭Push notifications - IN, US, JP, RU, PH
⚙️Utilities - US, IT, ES, MX, DE
🔗Smartlink - HK, DE, US, IN, JP
📭Push notifications - IN, US, DE, ID, IT
💻Content site - IN, US, JP, UK, ID, FR
🤖APK - IN, TR, BD, VN, U
🕹️Gambling - ID, TH, VN, US, MY
⚽Betting - IN, ID, MY, VN, CN
🎁 Launch and boost your campaigns us
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