3 easy steps to start advertising
- 1. Register
- 2. Add funds
- 3. Setup campaign
Sign up for a free advertiser account for instant approval.
Add funds to your account.
Setup campaign, and launch after moderation!
Evadav - better way to make ads bring revenue!
10B push-notification ads monthly
Global reach - inventory in 250 GEOs
Trusted by advertisers - more than 10k daily active campaigns
Trusted by publishers - more than 60M active subscribers
Sign up for a free advertiser account for instant approval.
Add funds to your account.
Setup campaign, and launch after moderation!
All of your creatives are monitored with machine-learning algorithms and checked manually to ensure 100% brand safety for the best user experience.
By matching the best offers with the relevant audience, boost efficiency of your ad campaigns.
Our solution automatically cuts off any bot or suspicious activity, providing only real users and live audience for your campaigns.
Possibility to target your audience by GEO, Сity, OS, browser, language, device, subsсription age, carriers.
Get access to Premium publishers and the target audience that matches your offers best.
Test up to 5 ads in one campaign and work only with reliable sites.
More than 1.5B impressions are delivered every day for our advertising partners, ensuring high ROI.
Get even more advertising opportunities with EVADAV ad formats, customizable with different landing links. Run an A/B testing on-the-fly and see for yourself!
Your campaigns and ads will be moderated in average 2 minutes for any time, zone, geo.
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