New Evadav functionality: adding geo through country codes and Google Search App targeting
😎Hey, Evadavers!
What’s new in your Evadav account?
- ✅ adding geo through country codes;
- ✅ Google Search App targeting.
Let’s look at each new feature in detail.
🔗 Target countries through country codes
In the Evadav account, you can target different countries.
Previously, advertisers could add countries by choosing from the list of groups (Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.) or by entering the full name of countries or part of the name, then - choosing from the drop-down list.
Now the partners don’t have to go this far, it’s enough to insert country codes in a comma and add all the right countries for the target in two clicks, no matter if they have 10, 50, or 200.
This updated feature will help advertisers to configure advertising campaigns faster. Less time = more profit.
For instance, we need to add the following countries:
Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. All you need to do is insert country codes by a comma: GB, BG, US.
💡This option is available to every advertiser when configuring a campaign.
🔗 Google Search App targeting
When creating the campaign, all top browsers were previously available in the Evadav account. Advertisers could customize their campaigns for users of specific browsers, such as Google Chrome, Opera, etc.
Now we have added another top browser – the Google Search app.
🤑Run campaigns and make money with Evadav ->
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