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Case study: automated rules, white/black lists and postback
Hey, Evadavers!
The whole our optimization team has been thinking and analyzing and finally decided to raise an important topic. Most of evadav.com users do not use all the opportunities of our network, therefore the budget isn’t optimally used and conversion doesn’t change for good.
And we just adore when you optimize your ad campaigns and receive a fire profit ๐.
Only 20% of Evadav partners use automated rules. And more than 50% of all advertisers work without black/white lists.
Just imagine these numbers!
In this article we’ll break down in detail how the usage of automated rules, postbacks and black/white lists will dramatically improve conversion and ROI of your ad campaign. Let’s take a successful Push subscription case as an example.
Ad format: Evadav in-page traffic
GEO: India
Campaign period: the 1st test (no optimization) - February, 1-14, the 2nd test (with optimization) - August, 14-31.
Partner network: Zeydoo
Offer: SubsHunter Black. User flow Push Subscription
Total budget: $ 990
Total earned: $ 1890
Net profit: 900$
ROI: 91%
Several creatives have been chosen for A/B testing.
The creatives with female voice over have been used for audience attraction. Once an advertisement appears on a screen, a user wants to click and listen to the voice message. We must admit that this move has influenced CTR significantly and the mentioned creatives showed the best result.
Further the user has been led to pre-lander, where he/she was offered to click on the “allow” button. The user has been automatically added to the push-notifications list.
The first test was done in February: the advertiser started an ad campaign without postback and automated rules. Traffic purchase is often realized without black/white lists, because no one can predict which sources work well, and which ones don’t.
The 1st test statistics:
Period: February, 01-14 โโhttps://prnt.sc/1rl0g69
As we can see from stats, the cost per click reaches 0,0019 cents in several days, clicks are few, ad campaign works payback only, and brings almost no profit.
The advertiser decided to go with the 2nd test in the middle of August, 2021, using the full range of Evadav platform options. The campaigns have been optimized by himself, with no fuss.
Postback setup
In order to track campaign results and have an understanding where traffic goes, postback has been set up. It was crucial to analyze which traffic sources and clicks-through are profitable.
Postback - the links which are used for parameters exchange between system and user (offer’s owner or partnership program) and independent tracker. They are made to track the traffic quality.
There are a lot of macros in Evadav, members can use.
{ZONE_ID} - zone ID, evadav publisher identifier (eg s123)
{SOURCE_ID} - full source id (evadav publisher identifier)(eg s123_abc)
{CAMPAIGN_ID} - ID of your campaign
{CREATIVE_ID} - internal creative ID of your campaigns
{COST} - price
{COUNTRY} - visitor's country
{BROWSER} - visitor's browser
{BROWSER_VERSION} - visitor's browser version
{SUB_PERIOD} - user subscription time (days) in classic push format
{CLICKID} - unique Evadav click ID
{FORMAT} - ad type format
{OS} - visitor's Operational System
{LANG} - visitor's browser language
{CONNECTION_TYPE} - connection type (eg cellular)
To perform analytics in Evadav the advertiser provided Click ID parameters generated by the system into a partnership program, where traffic goes, and then returned Click ID back into stats.
In Evadav analytics section the additional parameter has been provided - Payout. This link should be set up in a partnership program.
Here’s how Postback Link looks like:
There is an option to generate a test Click ID and check the accuracy of postback’s setup for user convenience.
There is a tracking section in the advertiser account where one can make a test.
After the accuracy of postbak work is checked, the advertiser will rest assured that the leads are being passed to Evadav account, which is the essential part of optimization and automated rules setup.
Let’s suppose that automated rules are set up on lead amount and cost per lead.
If the leads are not transferred then the automated rules won’t work and, accordingly, auto-optimization will not happen.
The most common mistake made by advertisers - wrong macros. Postback tests will allow us to spot mistakes (even extra space can influence work accuracy).
We recommend a postback setup while creating an ad campaign, because data analysis of website visitor actions (registration, filling profile in, subscription, etc.) and performance will allow you to proceed with accurate optimization of a certain ad campaign.
Black and white lists
To get the highest results the certain audiences have been created to be further used as Evadav black list and Evadav white list.
For setup we went to the “Audiences” section, created an audience and added preferable traffic sources in the “Source” field.
Your personal manager can enable adult and mainstream traffic types separation on demand, and also provide a white list of sources for according (adult/mainstream) traffic.
Our team highly recommends setting up a whitelist / blacklist for every ad campaign, as due to these settings the work with leads and cost per lead optimization is possible.
Automated rules
Creating an ad campaign the automated rules were set up, and due to their parameters the preferable sources were gathered. Thus the advertiser optimized the traffic and sources automatically therefore he didn’t have to make it manually.
One can set up several conditions at once: Impression, Clicks, Cost, Leads, CTR, Cost per Lead, ROI, Profit. It’s important that all needed data is also being transferred via postback (for instance: macros {COST} in your Target URL).
In this case the following automated rules have been used:
- If we get from the source the cost more than 0,01 and leads less than 1 for 5 days - the platform goes to Blacklist.
- If the cost per lead is more than 0,01 and leads amount is more than 1 - source goes to Blacklist.
The 2nd test statistics after optimization with the use of Evadav platform tools.
Period: August, 14-31 https://prnt.sc/1rl0b8w
As you can see from stats screenshot, postback, automated rules and Blacklist setup influenced significantly both spendins and ROI growth.
Subscription cost, which is paid by the partnership program, is 2 cents. Traffic purchase cost the advertiser, average, 1 cent per lead.
Total ad budget was $990 and partner network made Payout of $1899. The advertiser received net profit of $909. ROI 91%.
We did our best to make this article useful for you. We hope that you’ll follow our recommendations and get even more profit.
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