EVADAV presents the Event Calendar: all Affiliate Marketing events for Q4 2023
Hello, Advertisers & Affiliates! 😎
To simplify your life we’ve created our own calendar of affiliate events 📆! However, we have a significant reason that prompted us to implement this idea.
Every time we plan things for the next month or quarter, our team is faced with the fact that we need to fit many events into our busy schedule. All of them are extremely important for us, because this is not only an opportunity to learn many useful tips, but also a place where we usually meet all of you in person, and this is very valuable to us!
We really attend a lot of events, large-scale and highly specialized, each of them has its own atmosphere, features, and reveals different topics and directions in our field. Every time we enthusiastically pack our bags for the next event in anticipation of all the wonderful things that await us there. And we look forward to all the people we will meet there, both new faces with whom at the event we will begin our common path to success, and long-familiar faces with whom we’ve already passed a long way, but still have even greater heights ahead.
Sometimes we prepare for an event for a couple of months, and sometimes we suddenly learn about a little-known but promising event a few days before the start and jump on it like on a departing train. Fortunately, we’re quite successful in jumping.
Whatever we create, we always think about you first. And now, getting ready for the next event, we thought that you, like us, should plan your visits to all the same events. We know this for sure, since we already know many of your faces and meet them at almost every event. Therefore, in order to make your planning easier, we created our own calendar for Q4 2023, where we included all the most important events from the world of Affiliate Marketing. We hope you enjoy it!
👉 You can download our EVADAV calendar for Q4 2023 at the link: https://evadav.blog/guidelines/2023_Holidays-Events-Calendar/Calendar-Q4-2023.pdf
We please ourselves with the thought that it will be really helpful to you. Use it with pleasure, and see you at the next event at Affiliate World Asia in Bangkok!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us; we're available 24/7/365.